Crossfit St Kilda (Melbourne, Australia)

Crossfit St Kilda is located off Inkman street right off the tram. Very easy to get to and, if you’re a backpacker, you should stay at Habitat HQ and walk across the street to go work out.

I was really excited about the St Kilda box because I had heard so much about it. “Great coaches, great space, great location”, etcetc. All of these things were true. The only thing I thought was a little off-putting was the WOD wasn’t as “difficult/sweat-inducing” as I like my wods to be. With this said, it was probably my fault because I didn’t push or scale myself as much as I should have. (Something about the metric weights keeps throwing me off).

With this said, the “skill” part of the wod was interesting in that it was “EMOTM: 1 squat clean. Increase the weight every minute. You have 2 tries if you fail the first time. After you fail the 2nd time, you do dead-lifts for the remaining time.”

This is a creative part wod/part skill way of introducing weights. It made me nervous that we (9 athletes) were all throwing weights (75-80% max) at the same time. This is just an example of my American brain going into high anxiety mode. Nothing happened and the professionals there knew what they were doing, so I should learn to chill out. 😛


The WOD (after the skill):

21-15-9 front squat with slam-ball

12-9-6 Hand Stand Push Ups


I managed to finish this in 3:40. Not terrible- but I didn’t have that “wow! I just did a bunch of work!” feeling that I’m used to having after a workout. Regardless, I would recommend checking out this box if you’re in the area.


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